Prosperity beyond wealth and economic growth
How we think about prosperity is changing. For decades, prosperity has been associated with wealth, whilst economic growth has been seen as the only way to improve standards of living. However, austerity politics, growing social and financial inequalities and entrenched poverty show that increasing economic growth does not automatically translate into better opportunities or improvements in health and quality of life for people and communities.
Prosperity means different things to different people and a good life can be lived in many ways. Understanding this diversity is critical if we are to develop policies and strategies for enhancing prosperity that resonate with local conditions and experience.
Who we are
The London Prosperity Board is an innovative cross-sector partnership established by the Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP) to rethink what prosperity means for London. The goal of the London Prosperity Board is to develop new ways of thinking, generate new forms of evidence and test new ways of working that make sustainable and inclusive prosperity a reality for people living and working in London.
The Institute for Global Prosperity
What does prosperity mean to you? At the IGP, we challenge the prevailing understanding of prosperity. We value voice, and believe experience informs decision-making and empowers communities. Drawing on cutting-edge academic research, social, economic and technical innovation, and mixed methods from a range of disciplines, we work to improve evidence, reasoning and decision-making about how to build a globally prosperous future. With these insights, we challenge assumptions, reframe questions and develop new approaches that bring about real improvements in people’s lives.
Film by Matt Ballard